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Top 10 political Prisoners

 Look at some of the world's most famous political prisoners.

Mohammed abdel rahman abdel raouf arafat al-qudwa al-husseni

Andrei Sakharov

Aung Su Kyi

Bobby Sand

Kin dea jung

Mahatma Gandhi

Mordechai vanunu

Nelson Mandela

Vaclev Havel

Xana Gusmov

**source yahoo**

Salaries of Indian MP's
                           Almost all MP's live in style and we wonder how much they actually earn. Take a look at these numbers and you’ll wonder how they support a lavish lifestyle.

>  The Salary: Rs. 50,000 per month
>  Daily Allowances: Rs. 2,000/- per day when MP attends parliament
>  An MP is Allowed 34 free Air Journeys in a year with his/her spouse or any other.
> An MP three telephones without payment and also 50,000 units of electricity and 4,000 KL of water per year.
> Under Central Government health scheme the MP and his/her Family gets free medical treatment on a monthly contribution of Rs. 500/-.
>  Every MP gets Rs. 45,000 as their constituency llowance.
>  Every month Rs. 45,000 is allotted for MP, of which 15,000 is meant for stationary and the rest is for secretarial assistance
> If a person serves as as an MP, he/she is entitled to Rs. 20,000 per month as pension and an additional 1,500/- per month.

                         But these are not sufficient for them, still................

Shah Rukh Khan was detained at a NY airport for two hours

Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan was detained at a New York airport for over two hours by immigration officials after arriving from India in a private plane with Nita Ambani, to address students at Yale University here.
While Nita, wife of Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani, and the rest of their group were cleared immediately, Khan was stopped and was given immigration clearance only after about two hours, sources told PTI. 46-year-old Khan was to address a press conference at 2pm and deliver his lecture at 4pm at the Yale University.
However, he arrived for the press meet three hours behind schedule and his hour-long lecture started at about 6pm.
"Whenever I start feeling too arrogant about myself, I always take a trip to America. The immigration guys kicked the star out of stardom," Khan said with some sarcasm addressing the students at the University.
He added that he always has his "small victories" even in such circumstances.
"They (immigration officials) always ask me how tall I am and I always lie and say 5 feet 10 inches. Next time I am going to get more adventurous. (If they ask me) What colour are you, I am going to say white," Khan said.
Earlier, when informed about Khan being held up at the White Plains airport in New York, Yale University officials "contacted and spoke with officials at the Department of Homeland Security and Department of US Immigration and Customs in Washington," the sources said.
They added that Khan was "very very upset" at the episode and it "took time for the university officials to make him comfortable again."
The actor, who is scheduled to fly back to India later on Friday night, visited Connecticut-based Yale University, which had conferred him with its prestigious Chubb fellowship.
As part of the fellowship, Khan addressed a gathering of hundreds of Yale students, parents, faculty and other members of the Indian-American community at the Yale campus.
Before beginning his address to the students, Khan, dressed in a chic black suit, said that it had been a long flight and thanked Ambani for getting him to the US.
Ambani's daughter Isha is a student at Yale and is also president of the South Asian Society at the university.
Khan went on to say that he was "detained at the airport as always."
"It was nice, as it always happens," Khan said with a slight smile even as students in the audience gave out a large sigh and booed the US authorities when they heard Khan telling them he was detained.
While Khan told the students he was stopped for about an hour and a half, sources said he was at the airport for over two hours.

Nuclear weapons: Who has how many

            The world, they say, is becoming a more dangerous place by the minute. With the nuclear weapons race adding to the alarming scenario, ever wonder just how what kind of nuclear arsenal exists the world over? But we'll get to that in just a minute. Meanwhile, India is all set to enter a select league of nations with missile capability to hit targets 5,000 km away as it gets ready to test Agni-V long-range, nuclear-capable, ballistic missile on Wednesday. Agni-V can strike deep into Asia and Europe, a move that will give access to New Delhi into a small club of nations with intercontinental defence capabilities. Only the permanent members of the U N Security Council - China, Russia, France, the United States and the United Kingdom - and Israel are believed to have such long-range missiles. The launch will be closely monitored by India's nuclear-armed rivals China and Pakistan and other Western nations, but is unlikely to draw the kind of criticism aimed at North Korea after its own failed long-range rocket launch. Now back to what we began with: just how many nuclear weapons do the nuclear powers across the world have, individually? Check it to find out..

Russia is estimated to have about 11,000 nuclear weapons

The US government indicates it has an active stockpile of 5113 nuclear weapons,it has also approximately 3500 retired warheads

France possesses approximately 300 nuclear warheads

UK government announced that it had not more than 225

Estimates suggest china currently has approximately 170 nuclear warheads and more

India is estimated to have 80 to 100 nuclear warheads

Pakistan is currently estimated to have 90 to 110 nuclear weapons

Israel's current nuclear force ranges from 60 to 80 weapons at the low end to over 400 at high end

Inside North Korea


           In a very rare and embarrassing public admission of failure by the hermit state, North Korea today said that its much-hyped, long-range rocket launch had flopped. Not only was it mortifying for the nation, it also is a blow for its new young leader who faces international outrage over the aggressive attempt. The isolated North, using the launch to celebrate the 100th birthday of the dead founding president Kim Il-sung and to mark the rise to power of his grandson Kim Jong-un, is now widely expected to press ahead with its third nuclear test to show its military strength. The defiant launch drew condemnation from world leaders who described it as a "provocative" act threatening regional security, despite Pyongyang insisting it was intended to put a satellite into orbit for peaceful purposes. The United States and its allies slammed the exercise as a disguised ballistic missile test that contravened United Nations resolutions triggered by Pyongyang's two nuclear tests.

**source: yahoo!**

Photos: HAL chopper lands on apartment roof

           A Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) trainer chopper made an emergency landing on top of a building -- Maitri Apartments -- in Indira Nagar in Bangalore, on Thursday evening following some technical problem.The helicopter was being piloted by two trainees from Schweizer. Both pilots were reported to be safe.The Schweizer chopper was on a routine training flight. There are no reports of any damage or casualties so far. Authorities in Bangalore are now trying to figure out how to bring the helicopter down from the building which has been evacuated.

42,000-year-old mammoth baby on Asian tour

          Lyuba, the 1-month old baby mammoth of the Ice Age, died 42,000 years ago and was preserved in the ice. She was found by a reindeer herder in Siberia in 2007. By far, she is the best preserved mammoth mummy in the world. Lyuba is on an Asian tour now and will be exhibited in Hong Kong from April 12 to May 10.Although her fur and toenails have disintegrated, her skin and internal organs are intact. Apparently, there were traces of her mother’s milk in her stomach. Scientists hope to gain insight into what caused Ice Age mammals, including the mammoths, to become extinct at the end of the Pleistocene era around 10,000 years ago.



           Even after Osama's death, terrorism continues to remain a major threat to the people across the globe. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) rolled out a list of most wanted terrorists in late 2001 which has been constantly updated since then. Here's a brief description of ten of most wanted terrorists out of that list which features at least 30 names.

Here are the pics and details-----

**Published in Yahoo**

What's happening in Indian Government...???

**Published in India Express**

Along The World’s Most Dangerous Border

                     Korean Demilitarized Zone, a 250-mile long thin sliver of land that separates North and South Korea, is one of the most dangerous places on the planet. Soldiers from both the nations bristle at the sight of each other: the air is so thick with tension one can almost touch it. Battle-ready and trigger-happy, the heavily armed troops are primed to go into battle at the drop of a hat even as nuclear-powered North bares its fangs at South even as the latter hosts the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul. Apart from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, US President Barack Obama too attended the summit, which unfortunately adopted a vague communiqué suggesting the renunciation of highly enriched fuel. It aims at non-proliferation, but will lead to the intense competition for new N-technology. And amidst all the tension and the flexing of muscle, Obama visited the Korean Demilitarized Zone, the world’s most dangerous place.

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